144 MHz – Aurora borealis – 20 Dec. 2015


Belle ouverture par aurore boréale ce soir. Nombreux QSO’s sur 144 MHz, ODX EU6AF (1615 km). Pays contactés : DL, G, GI, GM, OZ, SM, LA, LY, EU. Ci-dessous 2 enregistrements vidéo qui mettent bien en évidence la distorsion de la note CW ou de la SSB introduite par l’aurore !
Le log des QSO’s réalisés et la carte y relative se trouvent plus bas.

Nice opening via aurora borealis this evening. Many QSO’s on 144 MHz, ODX EU6AF (1615 km). Worked countries : DL, G, GI, GM, OZ, SM, LA, LY, EU. Hereunder 2 video recordings that highlight very well the CW tone or SSB distortion introduced by the aurora !
The log of the worked QSO’s and the related map are further down this page.


UTC Callsign Locator TX RX Mode QTF
16:07 OZ1BEF JO46OE 59A 59A CW 35°
16:15 GM4ZJI IO86KE 59A 59A CW 30°
16:30 LA4YGA JO48BE 59A 59A CW 40°
16:33 LA6OJ JO38HH 57A 59A CW 40°
16:35 DL3BQV JO52WO 57A 57A CW 40°
16:37 DL7ULM JO62MS 56A 57A CW 40°
16:45 LY2FN KO14XV 53A 55A CW 30°
16:53 EU6AF KO35LA 54A 59A CW 30°
16:55 GI4OWA IO64IX 56A 55A CW 30°
16:58 DL5LBQ JO44NL 59A 59A CW 30°
17:06 LY2WR KO24FO 57A 57A CW 20°
17:15 M0PNN IO82TS 53A 55A CW 25°
17:26 GM4PPT IO75SK 59A 57A CW
17:32 GM4JJJ IO86GB 58A 57A CW 20°
17:39 GM3WOJ IO77WS 59A 59A CW 20°
18:10 GM8IEM IO78HF 59A 59A SSB 15°
19:42 SM7GVF JO77GA 54A 54A CW
19:51 MM0CYR IO88GO 52A 57A CW


QSO map generation - SM7LCB - Google Chrome_2015-12-22_12-24-24


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