My station


One finds here a description of my radio station, band per band.

I’m using a Kenwood TS-440S transceiver and as antenna, either a multiband Windom FD-4, either a 5/8 ground mounted vertical for the 10 m band. I’m not very active on HF.

70 MHz (currently not active)
A Yaesu FT-857D is used as driver on a 28 MHz IF, it is followed by a Transverter 28-70 MHz and a OZ2M designed PA. The power is 20W. The antenna is a 5 el. YU7EF (3 m long boom).

144 MHz
As for the 70 MHz, I’m using the Yaesu FT-857D as driver of (28 MHz) a subsequent transverter. The transceiver is followed by an interface. Both the transceiver and the interface are located in the shack.
Between the shack and the tower, there is 55 m of RG213 coax cable.
At the foot of the tower, in a cabinet, one finds a Transverter 28-144 MHz and a 1kW SSPA (BLF188XR). From the SSPA to the antenna, there is 16 m of  1/2″ low loss coax cable (Eupen 5128) + 6 m of Ecoflex 10 up to the radiating dipoles of the antennas. I don’t use a masthead RX preamplifier.
The antennas are 2×9 el. DK7ZB, 19 m agl and 119 m asl, with elevation capability. This system is used for the terrestrial traffic, as well as for EME.

For the local FM traffic (and sometimes also for Es), I’m using the same FT-857D or a FT-7800 together with a 5/8 vertical 12 m agl. I’m QRV D-STAR with an Icom ID-51 transceiver but almost not active in this mode. For the DMR (that I much more prefer to D-STAR), I’m using a Tytera MD-380 ; often stand-by on TG’s 2062 or 937.

1296 MHz (currently not active)
I have a Transverter 144-1296 MHz (10 W) and a 35 el. F9FT antenna.
Driver : FT-857D or IC-202.

10368 MHz (currently not active)
I’m using a Prime Focus 48 cm dish and a Transverter & PA DB6NT 144-10368 MHz (3 W).
Driver : FT-857D or IC-202.


All the equipement described above is complemented by other devices, most of them being home made : CW key, Interface Audio/Transceiver/Micro.Interface for Transverter and a SDR system.

Amongst the non home made equipment, there are power supplies, a Hi-Fi amplifier and an equalizer.

For the moon tracking, I’m using an antenna controller ERC-3D by Rene, DF9GR, together with the software PstRotator by Codrut, YO3DMU. Both are excellent stuff I highly recommend.


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This post describes my geographical location. Take-off is of prime importante what radio communications  matters, especially on the higher frequencies.


The following maps (made thanks to “Radio Mobile” by Roger, VE2DBE) are all centered on my QTH :

View as from the 144 MHz antenna (17m above gr. level) towards the main cardinal points :


Vieille photo Horrues

Few pictures of my village (Horrues) in summer : 


And in winter : 


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EME 144 MHz : TX7EME, DXCC #122



Profitant d’un voyage professionnel en Polynésie française, Giulio, IW3HVB a activé l’île de Moorea en EME sur 144 MHz, sous l’indicatif TX7EME. Opération remarquable, d’autant plus que Giulio a mené à bien seul cette expédition. Giulio utilisait 2×9 él. XP et 1kW. J’ai eu la chance de contacter TX7EME au troisième passage de lune ; niveau de signal reçu -22 dBJT (-20 pour moi en Polynésie). Pour ce QSO, j’ai utilisé comme antenne ma seule 12 él. DK7ZB sans élévation, profitant ainsi du gain sol.

Taking the opportunity of a business trip in French Polynesia, Giulio, IW3HVB has activated Moorea Island in EME on 144 MHz, under the callsign TX7EME. Remarkable operation, all the more Giulio has conducted it alone. Giulio has been using 2×9 el. XP and 1kW. I have been lucky to work TX7EME on his third moonpass ; received signal level -22 dBJT (-20 for me in Polynesia). For this QSO I have been using my single 12 el. DK7ZB without elevation, getting advantage of the ground gain.



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IARU Region 1 VHF Contest 2015


Bref compte rendu du contest VHF IARU Region 1 des 5 et 6 septembre 2015. J’ai été actif en single op. durant toute la durée du contest, nuit comprise. Que celle-ci fût laborieuse (seulement 30 QSO), tant la propagation était mauvaise (30 QSO et 16000 points de moins qu’en 2014) et l’activité faible entre 2h et 6h du matin…
Merci à tous ceux qui m’ont appelé !
Station habituelle : 12 él. DK7ZB et 550W

Short report of activity in the IARU Region 1 VHF contest of September 5th and 6th, 2015. I have been active single op. the whole duration of the contest, night included. What a hard night it was (only 30 QSO), since the propagation was very poor (30 QSO and 16000 points less compared to 2014) and the activity low between 2h and 6h in the morning…
Thanks to everyone who called me !

Usual station : 12 el. DK7ZB and 550W

# QSO’s : 424
Points : 151617
# DXCC : 16 (I, G, GM, GW, GD, GU, SP, F, HB9, OE, OK, OZ, DL, ON, PA)
# WWL : 86
Average km/QSO : 357,6

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

OL7M         JO80FF      885 km  
OK1KUO       JO80FG      885 km  
OK1FIG       JO80DH      872 km  
OK1KCR       JN79VS      846 km  
F4CWN        JN03KN      816 km  
SN7L         JO70SS      815 km  
GM4AFF       IO86TS      801 km  
OZ9FW        JO65CO      781 km  
OL4W         JO70LR      774 km  
F1RHS        JN03PV      772 km

Map IARU VHF Contest - September 2015 - 3

Ecoutez OL7M / Listen to OL7M :


Et IO2V / and IO2V :


Enregistrement de notre QSO réalisé par Matej, OK1TEH / Recording of our QSO made by Matej, OK1TEH (Thanks) :


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Meteor-Scatter – Perseids 2015


Voici un bref résumé des QSO’s réalisés sur 144 MHz (2 QSO’s sur 70 MHz) durant la “pluie” de météorites Perséides d’août 2015. Les indicatifs en orange montrent les QSO’s planifiés (“skeds”), tandis que les autres ont été réalisés selon un modus operandi “full random”.
Comme la plupart des QSO’s ont été effectués durant le MS Sprint Contest (par MMMonVHF et DUBUS), les rapports ne sont intentionnellement pas montrés ici.

Here is a brief summary of the QSO’s made on 144 MHz (2 QSO’s on 70 MHz) during the Perseids meteor shower of August 2015. The callsigns in orange indicate scheduled (“skeds”) QSO’s, while others have been made in a full random modus operandi.
Since most of the QSO’s have been made during the MS Sprint Contest (by MMMonVHF and DUBUS), the reports are intentionally not shown hereby.

3/08/2015 EA6XQ JN10VA 2 m. Best 0,28s
9/08/2015 EI9E IO43XW 2 m. Best 3s
10/08/2015 SP/OK1MU KO13NX 2 m. Best 0,68s
10/08/2015 EI9E IO43XW 4 m. Best 10s
11/08/2015 SP/OK1CID KO14NA 2 m. Best 7s
12/08/2015 UX2SB KN28IX 2 m. Best 25s
12/08/2015 LY2WR KO24FO 2 m. Best 6s
12/08/2015 LA8KV JP52QQ 2 m. Best 7s
12/08/2015 E77TK JN84XF 2 m. Best 0,42s
12/08/2015 LY/OK2ZAW KO23BX 2 m. Best 6s
12/08/2015 YL2AO KO16DK 2 m. Best 9s
12/08/2015 YT3N KN04LP 2 m. Best 3s
12/08/2015 DH8BQA JO73CE 4 m. Best 0,32s
12/08/2015 OM8AND KN08OR 2 m. Best 7s
12/08/2015 UA3LID KO64CN 2 m. Best 2s
13/08/2015 TF3CY HP94AD 2 m. Best 4s
13/08/2015 YL2IV KO06LM 2 m. Best 0,42s
13/08/2015 EA4EHI IM68MU 2 m. Best 7s
13/08/2015 RU1A KO48VR 2 m. Best 6s
13/08/2015 IW7DEC JN81GF 2 m. Best 1s
13/08/2015 SM4GGC JO69RK 2 m. Best 8s
13/08/2015 ZB2/ON7EQ IM76HD 2 m. Best 15s
13/08/2015 HA6VV/P JN97WV 2 m. Best 5s
13/08/2015 EW7AW KO54CB 2 m. Best 10s
13/08/2015 SQ5GVY KO02MQ 2 m. Best 20s
13/08/2015 YL2DA KO06MM 2 m. Best 25s
13/08/2015 LY2BUU KO15XH 2 m. Best 10s
13/08/2015 SM2CEW KP15CR 2 m. Best 15s
13/08/2015 SM7SJR JO87FB 2 m. Best 15s
13/08/2015 IS0EBO JN40GR 2 m. Best 0,6s
13/08/2015 LZ1ZX KN32ER 2 m. Best 3s
14/08/2015 SP8SN KO11FI 2 m. Best 4s

QSO map generation - SM7LCB - Google Chrome_2015-08-17_16-00-48


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