UT1FG/MM (Yuri) – 144 MHz

 Update dating 23/11/2020 (see also original post of 06/01/2019 below)

These last weeks, Yuri was again on the seas !
Thanks to the kind support of a few PA and DL hams, Yuri operates now with 150W on 144 MHz. The whole VHF DX community should be grateful for that support ! It allows every interested ham to work even more new “wet” squares !

Looking back at all the wet squares I have worked so far on 2m thanks to the operations of Yuri, it looks like this (Tropo and MS) :

Wked UT1FG-MM 27112020
However, the antenna used by Yuri is a “tiny” 5 elements that holds on a 80 cm long boom, as you can see on the pictures below (click on the pictures to enlarge). This is a dual band VHF/UHF antenna with a gain of 5  dBi on 144 MHz.

It is amazing to see how such a setup can produce FB MS reflections at 2000 km+, and how the tropo coverage extends far away too. In this regard, the uncluttered and flat surroundings, the sea, is quite helpful…

A 25 sec MS reflection (mode FSK441) from UT1FG/MM received by Bernd, DF2ZC (JO30RN) at +/- 2000 km  :

A 2 sec one received here at my station when Yuri was in HN83XL (2112 km far away) :


…But the sea is not always that flat !

Yuri at its operating position : WhatsApp Image 2020-11-17 at 13.44.24



Thanks again to Yuri and the supportive team behind him. Well done !



Post of 06/01/2019 

Yuri, UT1FG is often active as UT1FG/MM on 144 MHz. He operates from the ship “Goldeneye”, a bulk carrier sailing under Cyprus flag. On the QRZ.com page of Yuri, one can see the ship.

2019_01_06_21_02_48_https_s3.amazonaws.com_files.qrz.com_g_ut1fg_IMG_1476453682005_V.jpg_InterneThe Goldeneye has left San Lorenzo in Argentina on 8/12/2018 with Riga (Latvia) as destination. Yuri has been active during the travel from several “wet” squares on 144 MHz. I have been lucky enough to work him when he was in IN66, JO12, JO25 and JO36. Three of them were new #. The mode Yuri used was FT8. One likes FT8 or not is another discussion ! I wanted to know the full (6 digits) loactors where Yuri was when I worked him. Provided the latitude / longitude position of the ship can be received by costal stations receiving AIS (Automatic Identification System) frames emitted by the boats (161.975 and 162.025 MHz), it is quite easy to derive the QRA locator. I describe here the way I proceeded.

I go the either vesselfinder.com or marinetraffic.com. One has sometimes a more recent position that the other or vice-versa. The AIS frames contain the latitude and longitude of the ship ; these are broadcasted on the above mentioned frequencies. Once received by a costal AIS station that reports the received postions of the ships to vesselfinder or marinetraffic over the internet, one can retrieve the latitude and longitude of the ship. Below is an example with marinetraffic. Look for “Goldeneye” on the top right when accessing the website and you will get this if you select the Goldeneye from Cyprus, i.e. [CY] (click on picture to enlarge) :


From there, you can see the latest postion of the ship, its past track and even its forecasted route.


On the top right of the picture above, one can see the latitude and longitude of the ship, expressed both in DD and DMS. Feeding an online QRA locator calculator2019_01_03_09_39_15_QTH_locator_calculator (e.g. www.giangrandi.ch) with these data and one get the QRA locator of the ship. In the present case, it was in JO24KH. Again, this is possible provided the ship is under the coverage of a costal AIS receiving station. Otherwise, satellite positioning of the ships is also possible but this is a paying service !

End of January 2019, on his way from Estonia to Brazil, Yuri has activated again wet squares on 144 MHz. Yuri is transmitting with 20W into a 5 elements antenna. Hereby a screenshot from JO35 :

UT1FG-MM JO35 30012019
Many thanks to Yuri for activating all these wet squares !


Marconi Memorial VHF CW Contest 2020

Compte rendu du contest MMC VHF des 7 et 8 novembre 2020 ; il s’agit du seul contest VHF dédié uniquement à la télégraphie (CW), et un de mes préférés ! Preuve qu’on peut être un amateur “moderne” en faisant usage des modes numériques (FT8, JT65,…), tout en restant un fervent pratiquant de télégraphie, pourtant si archaïque et démodée, mais qui me plait toujours autant ! La tolérance et l’ouverture d’esprit sont toujours plus constructives que les clivages, surtout pour ce qui n’est finalement qu’un hobby…
Pour une fois, j’avais décidé de participer sérieusement à ce contest. A l’exception donc d’une petite nuit de sommeil et de quelques breaks, j’ai été actif durant environ 18 heures. Dans certains pays, la crise covid-19 interdisait la tenue des activités radio en portable et/ou les ressemblements. De fait, moins de stations étaient actives. Malgré ça, ce fût un contest très plaisant, même si le début s’est déroulé en mode “mineur”, avec peu de DX’s. Il a fallu attendre 16h27 UTC pour faire le premier QSO à plus de 800 km (F4CWN / JN03). Ensuite, les conditions se sont améliorées en soirée et durant la nuit, durant laquelle plusieurs DX furent contactés. Notamment le meilleur DX (OM3W / JN99) à 1027 km a été contacté en total random, sans prise de sked sur “KST”. 9A1P en JN65 (941 km) a également été contacté. Côté score, avec mes 2×9 él. mises côte-à-côte (angle d’ouverture étroit dans le plan horizontal), je ne peux rivaliser avec les stations qui possèdent plusieurs systèmes d’antennes à ouverture horizontale large. Je suis toutefois très satisfait du résultat et du taux de réponse à mes CQ.
Station utilisée : 2×9 él. DK7ZB et 1,2kW

Activity report of the MMC VHF contest of November 7th and 8th, 2020; it is the only VHF contest dedicated solely to telegraphy (CW), and one of my favourite ones ! Proof that one can be a “modern” ham using digital modes (FT8, JT65,…), while remaining a fervent practitioner of telegraphy, which is so archaic and old-fashioned, but which still pleases me so much ! Tolerance and open-mindedness are always more constructive than cleavages, especially for what is actually just a hobby…
For once, I had decided to participate seriously in this contest. So, apart from a short night’s sleep and a few breaks, I was active for about 18 hours. In some countries, the covid-19 crisis had forbidden portable radio activities and/or gatherings of people. Indeed, fewer stations were active. In spite of this, it was a very pleasant contest, even if the beginning was in “minor” mode, with few DX’s. I had to wait until 16h27 UTC to work the first QSO at over 800 km (F4CWN / JN03). Then conditions improved in the evening and during the night, during which several DX’s were contacted. Notably the best DX (OM3W / JN99) at 1027 km was contacted in total random, without taking a sked on “KST”. 9A1P in JN65 (941 km) was also contacted. Regarding the score, with my 2×9 el. bayed side by side (narrow aperture angle in the horizontal plane), I can’t compete with stations that have several antenna systems with wide horizontal apertures. However, I am very satisfied with the result and the response rate to my CQ’s.
Station used : 2×9 el. DK7ZB and 1,2kW

# QSO’s : 228
Points : 93903
# DXCC : 15 (G, GW, HB9, OE, OK, OM, DL, ON, PA, F, I, SM, OZ, GM, 9A)
# WWL : 76
Average km/QSO : 412

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

OM3W           JN99CH      1027 km 
9A1P           JN65VG       941 km
OK1MZM         JN89IW       908 km
F2CT           IN93GJ       900 km 
OK2R           JN89DO       885 km 
OK7W           JO80FG       885 km 
IK4PMB         JN54MM       859 km 
GM4YXI         IO87WK       856 km 
7S7V           JO65SN       843 km 
OK2KGB         JN79QJ       826 km

MMC 2020 November

Quelques fichiers audio ci-dessous / A few audio files below.

OM3W / JN99CH / 1027 km :

OK7W / JO80FG / 885 km :

OK1TEH / JO70FD / 746 km :

OK1MZM / JN89IW / 908 km :

IK4PMB / JN54MM / 859 km :

F2CT / IN93GJ / 900 km :



144 MHz Es opening May 29th, 2020 / ouverture Es 29 mai 2020

Le 29 mai 2020, une ouverture Es particulièrement exceptionnelle est survenue sur 144 MHz, d’abord de par sa durée et ensuite, de par l’étendue géographique couverte. Vu depuis ma station (JO10XO), ça a commencé le matin avec 3 QSO’s vers 9h. Fin d’après-midi, c’était ouvert de E7 (Bosnie-Herzégovine) jusqu’à EA7 en passant par S5, 9A, I0, I7, I8, IT9, EA6, 7X, EA3 et EA5. Et pour une fois, davantage de QSO ont été réalisés en SSB plutôt qu’en FT8. Finalement, exceptionnellement tard le soir (plus de minuit !), une troisième ouverture a eu lieu vers CT. La carte et le log des QSO sont disponibles ci-dessous. Durant l’ouverture nocturne vers le portugal, la géométrie du tarjet Es était parfaite pour que mon signal entre dans le conduit (“duct”) maritime entre CT et D4 (Cap Vert), si bien que j’ai été “entendu” (-15 dBJT) chez D4VHF, à 4548 km (combinaison Es-Tropo maritime), comme le montrent les cartes plus bas.

On May 29th 2020, a particularly exceptional Es opening occurred on 144 MHz, firstly because of its duration and secondly because of the geographical extent it covered. Seen from my station (JO10XO), it started in the morning with 3 QSO’s around 9 am. Late afternoon, it was open from E7 (Bosnia Herzegovina) to EA7 via S5, 9A, I0, I7, I8, IT9, EA6, 7X, EA3 and EA5. And for once, more QSOs were conducted in SSB rather than in FT8. Finally, exceptionally late in the evening (more than midnight !), a third opening took place towards CT. The map and log of the QSO’s are available below. During the night opening towards Portugal, the geometry of the Es path was perfect for my signal to enter the maritime duct between CT and D4 (Cape Verde), so that I was “heard” (-15 dBJT) at D4VHF over a distance of 4548 km (Es-maritime Tropo combination), as shown on the maps below.

ES 29052020

44 QSO’s dans le log, mais de nombreuses autres stations entendues/vues :

44 QSO’s in the log, but many other stations heard/seen :

UTC Callsign QRG Mode Sent Rcvd Locator
09:24 9H1TX 144,300 SSB 59 59 JM75FU
09:32 9H1BT 144,290 SSB 59 59 JM75EU
09:34 9H1FL 144,310 SSB 59 59 JM75GT
15:04 IT9ZVL 144,300 SSB 59 59 JM68SA
15:09 IW0FFK 144,310 SSB 59 59 JN61FS
15:10 IT9YLF 144,285 SSB 59 59 JM68QC
15:12 9H1LO 144,300 SSB 59 59 JM75GV
15:17 IT9FSH 144,174 FT8 +05 +05 JM77PC
15:19 I8IGS 144,174 FT8 +09 +08 JM78TC
15:25 IC8AJU 144,315 SSB 59 59 JN70CN
15:26 IT9FRH 144,302 SSB 59 59 JM76MW
15:31 IK8IOZ 144,290 SSB 59 59 JN71DB
15:33 IU8HEP 144,305 SSB 59 59 JN70EV
15:34 IW0HLE 144,281 SSB 59 59 JN61WK
15:35 IK0OKY 144,265 SSB 59 59 JN61ES
15:45 9A7BB 144,174 FT8 -16 -11 JN75FI
15:46 9A7JCY 144,174 FT8 +07 -13 JN74OC
15:48 E78AB 144,174 FT8 +02 +09 JN84OS
15:51 S59GS 144,300 SSB 59 59 JN75OO
15:58 IK7LMX 144,000 SSB 59 59 JN80XP
15:58 7X2RO 144,320 SSB 59 59 JM16MS
16:04 IZ8WGU 144,302 SSB 59 59 JM88AQ
16:19 EA7MT 144,260 SSB 59 59 IM87ED
16:20 EA3CBH/6 144,315 SSB 59 59 JM19HN
16:38 EA6SX 144,260 SSB 59 59 JM19IK
16:51 EB3FSE 144,174 FT8 +05 -03 JN11AH
16:54 EB5BQC 144,174 FT8 -05 -01 IM98OL
16:59 EA5IPM 144,322 SSB 59 57 IM98QG
17:01 EB5YF 144,236 SSB 55 57 IM99SL
17:04 EA5AJX 144,302 SSB 59 59 IM98KU
17:05 EA5IEA 144,275 SSB 59 59 IM97JV
17:11 EA5CLH 144,285 SSB 59 59 JM08BR
17:15 EB3CWL 144,300 SSB 59 59 JN01PK
17:17 EA3ABK 144,250 SSB 52 59 JN01OK
17:18 EA5GX 144,335 SSB 59 59 IM99WV
18:18 IT9GSF 144,174 FT8 -18 -09 JM67SS
18:30 I8TWK 144,174 FT8 +12 +04 JN70FS
18:36 IZ8IBB 144,290 SSB 59 59 JN70FP
18:48 IK8CNT 144,174 FT8 -10 -09 JM78WI
23:06 CT1HMN 144,174 FT8 -06 -10 IM58NN
23:09 CT7AQS 144,174 FT8 -18 -02 IM69FT
23:10 CT1EOD 144,174 FT8 -10 -13 IM58KQ
23:13 CT2HRB 144,174 FT8 -04 +09 IM58JT
23:31 CT7AGI 144,174 FT8 +06 +00 IM59IC

Voici la carte des stations que j’ai vues en FT8 durant les deux ouvertures diurnes (les stations proches vues en tropo sont également visibles). En plus des DXCC contactés durant l’événement, j’ai aussi vu des stations YU, LZ, SV et EA4 :

Here is the map of the stations I saw in FT8 during the two daytime openings (the nearby stations seen in tropo are also visible). In addition to the DXCC’s I worked during the event, I also saw YU, LZ, SV and EA4 stations :

ES 29052020-4

Et sur l’ensemble de l’événement (ouvertures diurnes et nocturnes), voici l’ensemble des stations qui m’ont entendu/vu, en tropo, en Es, mais aussi tropo+Es (EA8 et D4VHF donc) :

And over the whole event (day and night openings), here are all the stations that heard/saw me, in tropo, in Es, but also tropo+Es (EA8 and D4VHF therefore) :

ES 29052020-2

Et finalement, ci-dessous les stations vues depuis D4VHF. Je suis donc la seule station d’europe occidentale a avoir été entendue par D4VHF au Cap Vert durant cet événement. On voit bien que lorsque je faisais QSO Es avec des stations CT, ces mêmes stations étaient entendues/vues en tropo (maritime) par D4VHF, qui entendait/voyait également des stations EA8 et CT3 (Madère). Sur la carte, la ligne en pourpre indique l’alignement parfait entre ma station et CT via Es et, de là, jusqu’à D4VHF en tropo maritime. D4VHF m’a reçu -15 dBJT. Sachant que j’ai 4,5 dB de puissance en plus que D4VHF, un QSO aurait pu être possible à -20 dBJT chez moi.

And finally, below are the stations seen from D4VHF. I’m the only station in Western Europe having been heard by D4VHF in Cape Verde during this event. You can see that when I was doing Es QSO with CT stations, these same stations were heard/seen in tropo (maritime) by D4VHF, who also heard/saw EA8 and CT3 (Madeira). On the map, the purple line indicates the perfect alignment between my station and CT via Es and from there to D4VHF via maritime tropo. D4VHF received me -15 dBJT. Knowing that I have 4.5 dB more power than D4VHF, a QSO could have been possible at -20 dBJT at home.

ES 29052020-5 



IARU Region 1 VHF Contest 2020

Compte rendu du contest IARU R1 VHF des 5 et 6 septembre 2020. Je n’ai été actif que très partiellement, à savoir durant seulement 3 heures 30 sur les 24 que compte le contest. Je me suis attaché exclusivement à chercher les DX’s (mode “S&P”). La propagation était très “standard”, voire bonne vers le sud-ouest.
Station utilisée : 2×9 él. DK7ZB et 1,2kW

Activity report of the IARU R1 VHF contest of September 5th and 6th, 2020. I have been very partly active, during only 3 hours 30 amongst the 24 the contests lasts. I exclusively focused on hunting DX’s (mode “S&P”). The propagation was “standard” to good towards South-West.
Station used : 2×9 el. DK7ZB and 1,2kW

# QSO’s : 40
Points : 22266
# DXCC : 12 (G, GM, HB9, OE, OK, DL, ON, PA, F, EA, SP, SM)
# WWL : 28
Average km/QSO : 557

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

EB1RL          IN83FD      1005 km 
OK6M           JO80OB       941 km
EA2T           IN93IA       932 km
OL1B           JO80IB       905 km 
F6KEH/P        JN02XR       888 km 
OK1KCR         JN79VS       846 km 
7S7V           JO65SN       843 km 
SN7L           JO70UR       827 km 
OK2KGB         JN79QJ       826 km 
F4CWN          JN03KN       816 km

VHF Contest September 2020


Subregional VHF Contest July/Juillet 2020

Compte rendu du contest subregional VHF des 4 et 5 juillet 2020. Je n’ai été actif que partiellement, à savoir durant 11 heures sur les 24 que compte le contest. Je me suis attaché exclusivement à chercher les DX’s (mode “S&P”). La propagation était très moyenne et les signaux relativement faibles. Assez peu de stations F actives.
Station utilisée : 2×9 él. DK7ZB et 1,2kW

Activity report of the subregional VHF contest of July 4th and 5th, 2020. I have been partly active, during 11 hours amongst the 24 the contests lasts. I exclusively focused on hunting DX’s (mode “S&P”). The propagation was just fair with relatively weak signals. Few active F stations.
Station used : 2×9 el. DK7ZB and 1,2kW

# QSO’s : 100
Points : 48143
# DXCC : 15 (G, GD, GI, HB9, OE, OK, DL, ON, PA, F, I, OZ, EI, EA, SP)
# WWL : 51
Average km/QSO : 481

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

EA2T           IN83FD      1005 km 
EA2XR          IN83KI       967 km
IZ3VTH         JN54PF       897 km
F6KPH/P        JN03AB       889 km 
OL7M           JO80FG       885 km 
F1AQS/P        JN02KX       879 km 
F5ICN          JN03BF       869 km 
IK4HLQ         JN54MM       859 km 
OK1KCR         JN79VS       846 km 
EI2FG          IO61AX       841 km

VHF Contest July 2020