Coupe du REF / REF Cup 2015 – 144 MHz

Le premier week-end de juin, en même temps que le field-day UBA, a lieu chaque année la coupe du REF sur 144 MHz. Il s’agit d’un concours organisé par le Réseau des émetteurs français. L’activité en France est alors accrue et c’est l’occasion de contacter de nombreuses stations de l’hexagone. Cette année, j’ai pu faire QSO avec les départements 04, 12, 24, 32, 33, 40, 47, 48, 81 et 84 pour les plus lointains.

The first week-end of June every year, at the same time than the UBA field-day, does the 144 MHz REF cup take place. It is a contest organized by the Réseau des émetteurs français. The activity in France is then increased and it is the opportunity to get in touch with many stations from the French hexagon. This year, I have been able to make QSO with the departments 04, 12, 24, 32, 33, 40, 47, 48, 81 et 84 for the furthest of them.

Coupe du REF Juin 2015

Ci-après quelques enregistrements. Hereafter, a few recordings.

TM7X dans le département / in the department 12 (Aveyron) :


F5KHP dans le département / in the department 32 (Gers) :


F5KEI/P dans le département / in the department 81 (Tarn) :


TM1O dans le département / in the department 04 (Alpes de Haute Provence) :


Subregional VHF contest of May 2015

During the WE of May 2nd and 3rd, 2015, I have been partly taking part to the VHF subregional contest. Not very good propagation, except perhaps towards South-East (see below a recording of IZ1POA), and a very little participation of French and British stations (these lasts were not in contest however this WE).

# QSO’s : 175
Points : 71620
# DXCC : 12 (I, G, F, EA, HB9, OE, OK, OZ, SM, DL, ON, PA)
# WWL : 65
Average km/QSO : 409,3

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

EA2TO         IN93GF  916 km
OE1W	      JN77TX  893 km
IQ4AX         JN54KK  859 km
OK1KHL        JO80AC  858 km
OK1KCR        JN79VS  846 km
OL4K          JO70TQ  821 km
F6DRO         JN03TJ  820 km
F4CWN         JN03KN  816 km
OK1KKI        JN79NF  813 km
SK7MW         JO65MJ  807 km

Listen to the signal of IZ1POA (JN44OQ – 766 km) :


ON4KHG Subregional VHF May 2015