Subregional VHF Contest July/Juillet 2016

Compte rendu du contest VHF subrégional des 2 et 3 juillet 2016. J’ai été actif seulement durant une partie du contest (environ 10h). Propagation assez bonne le samedi (moyenne/km largement plus élevée qu’en mai, stations italiennes avec de bons signaux et 14 QSO’s > 800 km) et taux de participation relativement correct (beaucoup de stations anglaises).
Merci à tous ceux qui m’ont appelé, bien que davantage actif en S&P cette fois !
Station habituelle : 12 él. DK7ZB et 550W

Activity report of the subregional VHF contest of July 2nd and 3rd, 2016. I have been active only during a part of the contest (around 10h). Somehow good propagation on the Saturday (average/km much higher than in May, Italian stations with good signals and 14 QSO’s > 800 km) and participation rate relatively correct (many English stations).
Thanks to everyone who called me, though more active in S&P this time !

Usual station : 12 el. DK7ZB and 550W

# QSO’s : 170
Points : 75491
# DXCC : 15 (G, GW, F, I, LX, SP, HB9, OE, OK, OZ, DL, ON, PA, EA, EI)
# WWL : 70
Average km/QSO : 444,1

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

EB1RL/P        IN83FD      1005 km 
EA2TO          IN93IA       932 km
F6FZS/P        IN93OA       917 km
IZ5FDD/4       JN54PF       897 km 
F6KPH/P        JN03AB       889 km 
OK7W           JO80FG       885 km 
IQ4AX          JN54KK       859 km 
OK1KCR         JN79VS       846 km 
SN6J           JO70VX       831 km 
F4CWN          JN03KN       816 km

Contest VHF July 2016

Sur la carte, les points en rouge = QSO SSB, ceux en vert = QSO CW et en blanc = QSO mode mixte CW/SSB.

On the map, the points in red = SSB QSO, the ones in green = CW QSO and in white = QSO mixed mode CW/SSB.


Subregional VHF Contest May/Mai 2016

Court compte rendu du contest VHF subrégional des 7 et 8 mai 2016. J’ai été actif en single op. et seulement durant une partie du contest (environ 10h30). Les conditions de propagation et de participation étaient juste normales ; il semble toutefois que moins de stations OK soient actives.
Merci à tous ceux qui m’ont appelé !
Station habituelle : 12 él. DK7ZB et 550W

Short report of activity in the subregional VHF contest of May 7th and 8th, 2016. I have been active in single op. and only during a part of the contest (around 10h30). The propagation and participation conditions were just normal ; it seems however that less OK stations are active.
Thanks to everyone who called me !

Usual station : 12 el. DK7ZB and 550W

# QSO’s : 200
Points : 77638
# DXCC : 12 (G, F, I, SM, SP, HB9, OE, OK, OZ, DL, ON, PA)
# WWL : 69
Average km/QSO : 388,2

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

F6FZS/P        IN92PX       918 km 
OE1W           JN77TX       893 km
OK1NOR         JO80FG       885 km
OK1KCR         JN79VS       846 km 
SN6J           JO70VX       831 km 
F4CWN          JN03KN       816 km 
SK7MW          JO65MJ       807 km 
IO2V           JN44OQ       766 km 
IW2CTQ         JN44PS       761 km 
DF0FA          JO73CF       760 km

Contest VHF May 2016

Sur la carte, les points en rouge = QSO SSB et ceux en vert = QSO CW.

On the map, the points in red = SSB QSO and the ones in green = CW QSO.


Subregional VHF Contest March/Mars 2016

Court compte rendu du contest VHF subrégional des 5 et 6 mars 2016. J’ai été actif en single op. et seulement durant une partie du contest. Les conditions de propagation très “plates” et la présence de neige sur les reliefs n’ont pas encouragé la pratique du portable.
Merci à tous ceux qui m’ont appelé !
Station habituelle : 12 él. DK7ZB et 550W

Short report of activity in the subregional VHF contest of March 5th and 6th, 2016. I have been active in single op. and only during a part of the contest. The flat propagation conditions and the snow still present on the highlands discouraged portable operations.
Thanks to everyone who called me !

Usual station : 12 el. DK7ZB and 550W

# QSO’s : 200
Points : 70711
# DXCC : 11 (G, GW, GD, F, HB9, OE, OK, OZ, DL, ON, PA)
# WWL : 65
Average km/QSO : 353,6

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

OK1KCR        JN79VS       846 km 
OK1KKI        JN79NF       813 km 
F1CJW         JN04FH       747 km
DL8VL         JO71FG       738 km 
DF5A          JO64ND       735 km 
OE5D          JN68PC       730 km 
DM3W          JO62XE       715 km 
OZ1BEF        JO46OE       711 km 
GD8EXI        IO74PC       704 km 
OL4N          JO60VR       692 km

Contest VHF March 2016


IARU Region 1 VHF Contest 2015

Bref compte rendu du contest VHF IARU Region 1 des 5 et 6 septembre 2015. J’ai été actif en single op. durant toute la durée du contest, nuit comprise. Que celle-ci fût laborieuse (seulement 30 QSO), tant la propagation était mauvaise (30 QSO et 16000 points de moins qu’en 2014) et l’activité faible entre 2h et 6h du matin…
Merci à tous ceux qui m’ont appelé !
Station habituelle : 12 él. DK7ZB et 550W

Short report of activity in the IARU Region 1 VHF contest of September 5th and 6th, 2015. I have been active single op. the whole duration of the contest, night included. What a hard night it was (only 30 QSO), since the propagation was very poor (30 QSO and 16000 points less compared to 2014) and the activity low between 2h and 6h in the morning…
Thanks to everyone who called me !

Usual station : 12 el. DK7ZB and 550W

# QSO’s : 424
Points : 151617
# DXCC : 16 (I, G, GM, GW, GD, GU, SP, F, HB9, OE, OK, OZ, DL, ON, PA)
# WWL : 86
Average km/QSO : 357,6

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

OL7M         JO80FF      885 km  
OK1KUO       JO80FG      885 km  
OK1FIG       JO80DH      872 km  
OK1KCR       JN79VS      846 km  
F4CWN        JN03KN      816 km  
SN7L         JO70SS      815 km  
GM4AFF       IO86TS      801 km  
OZ9FW        JO65CO      781 km  
OL4W         JO70LR      774 km  
F1RHS        JN03PV      772 km

Map IARU VHF Contest - September 2015 - 3

Ecoutez OL7M / Listen to OL7M :


Et IO2V / and IO2V :


Enregistrement de notre QSO réalisé par Matej, OK1TEH / Recording of our QSO made by Matej, OK1TEH (Thanks) :


Subregional VHF contest of July 2015

During the WE of July 4th and 5th, 2015, I have been partly taking part to the VHF subregional contest. Due to family and festive duties, I have only been active around 10 hours, mainly operating in DX S&P (“Searching & Pouncing”) mode. Just few CQ sessions at the end. Flat conditions around, except to the North-East where the signals were above normal but relatively few activity. Pity that the OZ stations usually worked during the NAC (“Nordic Activity Contest”) of Tuesday are not active at all during other contests. Surprised and pleased to easily work LA0BY (ODX 1125 km) and I5PVA/6. Very few activity in the South-East of France and less OK/OL’s than usual.

# QSO’s : 131
Points : 62039
# DXCC : 16 (I, G, GM, GW, EI, LA, SP, F, HB9, OE, OK, OZ, SM, DL, ON, PA)
# WWL : 72
Average km/QSO : 473,6

Top 10 DX QSO’s :

LA0BY         JO59IX     1125 km  
I5PVA/6       JN63GN     1016 km  
OE1W          JN77TX      893 km  
F6KPH/P       JN03CB      885 km  
OL7M          JO80FG      885 km  
OZ5GX         JO57FJ      865 km  
IQ4AX         JN54KK      859 km  
OK1KCR        JN79VS      846 km  
SF7WT         JO65QQ      843 km  
F6DRO         JN03TJ      820 km

VHF Contest July 2015